Aims and Objectives

  • To organize social welfare programmes and to work for the Improvement of social values among the people.
  • To promote sports and cultural development activities.
  • To promote adult education content and night schools.
  • To establish Theories and create useful knowledge among the public.
  • To work for Integrity among the public.
  • To promote Relief and Rehabilitation facilities.
  • To promote Fine arts of literacy. Diffusion of Political education and useful knowledge among the members.
  • To promote Income generated Activities.
  • To conduct Rural development Activities/programmes.
  • To create Awareness and improve Ethics and social values among the people...
  • To conduct welfare activities for differently able people, Senior citizens and Orphans in the time of natural disasters.
  • To conduct birthday celebrations of National leader, Scientists, and Eminent personalities.
  • To conduct Personality development seminars among students.
  • To promote Agricultural allied activities small industries and natural event like Swachh Bharath.
  • To promote Vocational trainings on Technology Development.
  • To conduct awareness programmes on Health, Nutrition, Drinking water and Sanitation.
  • To promote self-employment development through Income generation programmes.
  • To conduct Medical & Health, Women & Child welfare schemes.
  • To Promote Adult / Child labour education, Waste and hygienic programmes.
  • Work for Social Justice and Human Rights.
  • To promote awards for social servants in various public sectors.
  • To promote awareness campaign formation of self-help groups for community development to organize Grama Sabhas on Village / public concern issues.
  • To establish libraries to improve the knowledge and create interest on books.
  • To maintain Old age homes, Orphan homes, Child labour schools, Child welfare projects.
  • To promote / to establish small scale / large scale units of making Coir based products and to Conduct training and to conduct awareness campaigns on coir produces.
  • To conduct Awareness creation workshops/programmes on consumer rights and protection.
  • To promote awareness campaigns/ workshops in rural areas and in slums of the city on Environment & sanitation, nutrition/hygiene and safe drinking water etc.
  • To promote Tribal welfare programmes/projects.
  • To conduct awareness programmes/projects on road safety/fire safety.
  • To conduct awareness programmes/projects on Biodiversity and Organic farming.